Horse / Rider: Derrycon's Mister Jones / Katelyn Jones

LEGIS League 2021

No: 234
Class: PRE-CHILDREN'S HTR 2'6 -2'9
Show: Summer in the Rockies III
Place: 3
Entries: 19
Points: 4.00  
No: 233
Class: PRE-CHILDREN'S HTR 2'6 -2'9
Show: Summer in the Rockies III
Place: 3
Entries: 19
Points: 4.00  
No: 232
Class: PRE-CHILDREN'S HTR 2'6 -2'9
Show: Summer in the Rockies V
Place: 6
Entries: 12
Points: 1.00  
No: 231
Class: PRE-CHILDREN'S HTR 2'6 -2'9
Show: Summer in the Rockies V
Place: 2
Entries: 12
Points: 5.00  
Total Class Points: 14.00

Provided by OrgPro
